Sharing knowledge

Dreams, Signs and Symbols Interpretation

Conferences and workshops with simple sharing

Emotional Intelligence

Symbolic Language


Customized workshops and seminars

With a lot of themes aviaible, here are some of the talks I suggest :

  • Introduction to the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols, following the DSSI training approach

  • Emotional intelligence : understanding the source code of emotions

  • Nature and environment : what the symbols around me reveal about my inner nature

  • Mountains and spirituality : an inner and outer journey (a symbolic review of my life's experiences)

  • Hikes/conferences to walk and meditate on profound subjects

Workshops can be customized to suit different audiences and themes :

  • learning tools for autonomous interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols

  • facilitator for the +/- Code school program

  • hikes with meditations, dreams and symbols interpretation

  • EQ (emotional intelligence) workshops for children and teenagers : what is a symbol ? Feeling emotions to understand what the brain registers, understanding the impact of social networks and technology, what is hypersensitivity, etc...